
Do you enjoy anime about school life? What about friendship and romance? Enjoy some drama as well?

Well Toradora! might just be your favorite anime! Although this show is quite old (it aired in 2008), the concept of this fun, quirky slice of life/romance comes with an interesting and amusing plot as well as some amazing and unforgettable characters.

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I remember when I first saw this anime, I was not very interested in the slice of life or romance genre, and Toradora! was the first slice of life or romance anime that I watched and I could not get over the fun and loving characters that were present in this show.

The personalities of the characters are also very relatable and lively as well. If you have never seen any slice of life anime, or are interested in the romance genre, give Toradora! a try. I promise that you will not regret it.

As for me, Toradora! is one of my favorite slice of life anime to watch. The episodes leave you 'wanting for more' and after the first episode, I was hooked not only to the plot and storyline, but to the characters' personalities as well.

The romance in this show is also quite unique because of Taiga's and Ryuji's contrasting personalities.
The other characters are also relatable and funny as well, which is a common problem in slice of life series because the side characters usually seem useless, but all the characters in Toradora! have an importance, and the show would have been completely different without them.

What is your favourite character from Toradora! Comment down below.

Final Score: 9/10


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