Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name)
In the summer of 2016, the world was astonished by an anime film called Kimi No Na Wa. Currently, this is the highest grossing anime film in all of history! Why did this happen? What makes this movie so great?
The romantic, adventurous and breathtaking story of Kimi No Na Wa is about the lives of two young high school students who undergo a strange and bizarre phenomenon where they switch places and bodies at random times when they wake up from their sleep. This fun and interesting concept will keep you engaged and excited.
Personally, this is my favourite anime film of all time because of the unique concept, the emotions and the shared lives that both Taki and Mitsuha have to live for each other.
The news of the comet keeps everyone engaged and interested and leaves viewers guessing for more. This adventurous, romantic and captivating film is accompanied with addictive and catchy music as well as beautiful animation sceneries (my favourite of which is the image of the comet which inspired my blog background).
With a grasping plot and storyline and relatable, charming characters and some unexpected laughter along the way, Kimi No Na Wa, would leave all viewers suspenseful and excited!
I would recommend this movie to everyone because it contains elements from most genres of anime. If you are interested in light-hearted romance, slice of life, drama and fantasy, Kimi No Na Wa should be the perfect film for you to watch!
One of my personal favourite aspects of this film is not only the storyline, the characters or animation, but the music that they used for this film resonated with me and songs from this film found spots in my playlist.
Final Score: 10/10
The romantic, adventurous and breathtaking story of Kimi No Na Wa is about the lives of two young high school students who undergo a strange and bizarre phenomenon where they switch places and bodies at random times when they wake up from their sleep. This fun and interesting concept will keep you engaged and excited.
Personally, this is my favourite anime film of all time because of the unique concept, the emotions and the shared lives that both Taki and Mitsuha have to live for each other.
The news of the comet keeps everyone engaged and interested and leaves viewers guessing for more. This adventurous, romantic and captivating film is accompanied with addictive and catchy music as well as beautiful animation sceneries (my favourite of which is the image of the comet which inspired my blog background).
With a grasping plot and storyline and relatable, charming characters and some unexpected laughter along the way, Kimi No Na Wa, would leave all viewers suspenseful and excited!
I would recommend this movie to everyone because it contains elements from most genres of anime. If you are interested in light-hearted romance, slice of life, drama and fantasy, Kimi No Na Wa should be the perfect film for you to watch!
One of my personal favourite aspects of this film is not only the storyline, the characters or animation, but the music that they used for this film resonated with me and songs from this film found spots in my playlist.
Final Score: 10/10
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